Business Attire at ICMS – Semester Abroad Australia

Business Attire at ICMS – Semester Abroad Australia

Business Attire at ICMS

Report by Jasmin M.

Rumour has it that ICMS is one of the few colleges with strict guide lines concerning clothing. And before my term at ICMS I worried a lot about what to put into my suitcase and to wear in class. I was kind of afraid to make mistakes, since I heard it’s possible to get warnings in case of any breach of etiquette.

9Guidelines for Business Attire

So I tried to conform all guidelines carefully. I have worn court shoes, not too high, white shirt, suit jacket, a knee length skirt and I have worn my hair in a ponytail. At the first day of class I realised, I worried a bit too much about it. Yes, everybody was wearing a business outfit and was adequately dressed and actually I was pretty comfortable with that and I considered it as quite appropriate for a business college.

If we keep in mind this is a college with the aim to prepare us the best possible way for the professional life; and part of a successful professional life is a self-confident manner. But anyway you have a certain amount of leeway and the rules are not too strict. It is more or less required to dress properly rather than wearing a uniform.


Sometimes some of the ICMS staff members were standing in front of the classrooms and handed out some vouchers for free coffees at the Court Yard Cafe if you were wearing a business outfit. So it can be said, that it is rather a reward system for students who follow the guidelines properly.  But they had an eye on making sure everybody was wearing his or her name tag. I think if you try to respect the guidelines and don´t wear too fancy clothes or colourful hairstyles, there is nothing to worry about. And once you get used to the business attire you might start to like the new look and realise the benefits of a professional appearance.