International Student Office Team

Our team consists of internationally experienced study advisors. All team members have studied abroad and experienced living and studying in a foreign country first-hand. Therefore, each team member is happy to share their knowledge and to advise and inform you when it comes to choosing the perfect destination for your study abroad experience and to help prepare you for the best time of your life.

Lernen Sie unser Team kennen!
Sabine Sachs

Sabine Sachs

Managing Director of the International Student Office

My name is Sabine Sachs and as the Head of the International Student Office I believe that uniting a targeted selection of exclusive universities in one office facilitates an ideally comprehensive but at the same time independent way of advising students and institutions. I am happy to share my experiences with students and institutions. Read more …

Victoria Ehmer

Victoria Ehmer

Head of International Student Office

My name is Victoria Ehmer and I can’t wait to accompany you in fulfilling your dream of discovering foreign countries and cultures. As an avid globetrotter, I have a deep passion for traveling the globe. Read more …

Bianca Sauer

Bianca Sauer

European Relations & Student Manager

My name is Bianca Sauer and I am looking forward to helping you with your adventure abroad! My first experience abroad was my high school exchange to New Zealand when I was 16 years old. Read more …
Claudia Damen

Claudia Damen

European Relations & Student Manager

My name is Claudia Damen and I am excited to support you on your upcoming adventure abroad! During my childhood I lived in Ireland for 4 years – the foundation for a travel-intensive life was thus laid early.Read more …

Charlotte Zipprich

Charlotte Zipprich

International Relations & Student Manager

My name is Charlotte Zipprich and I look forward to helping you go study abroad! As I had a bilingual upbringing, I have always loved pursuing international endeavors, seeing new places and interacting with new cultures. Read more …

Tim Stieffenhofer

Tim Stieffenhofer

Visuelle Kommunikation

My name is Tim Stieffenhofer and I support the International Student Office with visual design projects. I love to travel, especially to Canada to visit family, and I enjoy designing interesting information material in order to simplify the start into your big study abroad adventure.  Read more …