Does this really work to release stress during in Exam Period? – Silvan G. (VIU) – Study Abroad Canada

Does this really work to release stress during in Exam Period? – Silvan G. (VIU) – Study Abroad Canada

Does this really work to release stress during in Exam Period?

Report by Silvan G.

12309217_1015616738460626_1456873001_nFirst of all a hint from my side, to subscribe to VIU’s weekly guide to all student events and activities, namely “THE COMPASS”. (Here is the link to register:
Through signing up for this newsletter you will never miss any ongoing events offered by the various departments. And there truly is a lot going on at the same time, from yoga classes to presentations and exhibitions.

thumb_IMG_3690_1024So, one day during our final exam period I scrolled down looking at upcoming activities. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, a new event was posted, claiming that one will have the chance to smash a car! The Title said it all: VIUSU Stress Buster: Car Smash. What a crazy, fun event. Was it really about to happen on campus, though? At first, I doubted the event would actually take place. Soon local students confirmed the madness of this day as they had previously participated.
It was on! I waited for Friday to come and gathered a few friends to join in. We were about to legally smash a car.

After signing a short medical form, we were given a helmet, gloves and protection glasses. All to protect ourselves from flying objects and dangerous hazards. The car seemed not dangerous at all. It was just a normal car where all the glasses had been removed. One could clearly see that a few people prior to me had done some good work, as one could see severe damages. It was parked in a Safety Zone right in the center of the campus. This way everyone had to walk past it and became curious what was about to happen. In the background they were playing “Wrecking Ball” over and over again.

IMG_3688_1024Then I was given the massive hammer. I stepped in the Smashing Zone and lifted the hammer not sure where I should hit the car to have the greatest impact. I decided to go for the hood. BUM! A huge sound, a bounce back and it seemed like nothing had changed. Again! Honestly, did you know cars are that strong? I didn’t! I was allowed to hit another five times. Just imagine yourself being in my situation. You would probably hit the car as strong as possible, and trust me that’s exactly what I did. Yet, it was impossible to do great damage.

Well. It was definitely worth a try, however personally I didn’t feel like I had released any stress whilst smashing the car. It was a fun event though and definitely worth a try! =)