Business Attire – Semester Abroad Australia

Business Attire – Semester Abroad Australia

Business attire at ICMS: Find your Professional Look

Report by Katja N.

Fine feathers make fine birds… this is a suitable proverb in our modern life. The ICMS wants to prepare its students for the business life. Not only with the academic background but also with the correct business attire. All students have to obey the rules of the college in relation to the business attire. You can look these rules up with the following link:

Business Attire – First impressions deceive

Business attire2_kleinFirst I didn’t like these rules. I wanted to study in surfer’s paradise and now I have to wear suits and business dresses, even if the weather is really hot? I could not imagine wearing them all day and saw it as a necessary evil. I bought some new clothes and as you can imagine business attire is not the cheapest kind of outfit. But then I started to like my new look. I looked older and wiser. It was fun to see all my fellow students with the business attire and all of them looked very good. Better than a normal student in Germany who just wears old jeans and faded sweatshirts.
We had to wear the business outfit during class and when we were on the ground floor, where you can find the reception. My concern about the heat was reasonless. All classrooms were quite cold because of the air conditioning. Sometimes I was freezing and happy to be wearing my warming blazer.

Business Attire – Rules for Life

Not all the students took the rules seriously. The men were well-dressed nearly all time. But some girls had their own business style.  Some skirts were too short, the heels too high and the jackets too colourful. It was accepted. Nevertheless, I was happy that I had all my business clothes. They were quite expensive, but I can use it after my studies because I need them for my job. And like I said, I really loved my new look.Business attire_klein1
I’m a woman and of course I had too many clothes. I arrived with four suits and one business dress. I had to wear my business outfit about ten hours a week and therefore I could wear my favourite suit almost always. I would recommend to bring two suits and three shirts if you stay for one term. That should be enough. Save the rest of the precious space for all the other important things.